plot, that is anna, a married woman with a child, 26 years old, yes , she meets a guards officer vronskys in love, he is 23, yes, but he is not really much younger than her, here when she says boy, she rather refers to him, because she is already a married woman with a child, therefore much older than her, well , how much, her husband is rich 46, well, and she is 26, living rooms, some dinners, yes, which everyone gave, well, and salons, that is, where with a man, women could not remain alone, in front of, well, in front of people, yes, that is, they should not see that someone is sitting in the corner and communicates together, or went into the next room, communicates together, this immediately gave rise to a wave of rumors and was indecent, so if communication occurred between a man and a woman, there were rooms in restaurants, and other places. there are, where this did not happen in front of people, respectively, lovers did not come to the theater together, sitting in the next box, yes, it was not accepted, because and she comes sronskim, in my opinion, to the opera, yes, she then wa