something called the war fighters senior integration group where we sit down every two weeks and we have on vtc, afghanistan every two weeks, and then the other two weeks iraq, and we talk to the war fighter about what is going on today and what they need in terms of rapid capabilities. this is what has spun out an enormous amount of counter-umas equipment. we do it on a small scale. what's what this reorg is all about in my mind, getting away from the 5,000 process, other than the very complex areas where we might need some of that. just use the little bit of process we need to get stuff out the door. >> so secretary, would you comment on? i would love to hear you respond to all of that, all of you respond to the question after the hearing. >> it's a great question. i'd connect a couple of dots from a historical example. the key here is change in culture. >> witnesses will be -- >> thank you. >> senator, the key is changing culture. at the end of the day, we have to change the culture. that's what came out of the 2011 decker/wagner acquisition report. that's the most crucial element. standing