the vulcan consulate doesn't make command assignments here. there was a time when your people sought our guidance. i regret that time has passed. i've been recalled to vulcan on. in the meantime, our joint fleet operations have been suspended. male (over com): yes, admiral? get me captain archer. ? it's been a long road ? but my time is finally near ? and i will see my dream come alive at last ? ? i will touch the sky ? and they're not gonna hold me down no more ? ? no, they're not gonna change my mind ? ? 'cause i've got faith of the heart ? ? i'm going where my heart will take me ? ? i've got faith to believe ? i can do anything ? i've got strength of the souou? ?o one's gonna bend or break me ? ? i can reach any star ? i've got faith ?i've got, i've got? ? faith of the heart. captioning sponsnsed by paramount television and united paramount networks i noticed we changed course overnight. i found a new system in the vulcan database-- coridan. they're only a few light-years away so i thought we'd, uh, take a look. llion humanoids. apparently,