wish you good health to the senior lieutenants, a corpse of the ninety-second year of birth, vyacheslav dyagin, was discovered, without a witch of violent death. discovered everything. eh, mother saw that the shed was open and entered there, what a pandemonium you have here does not mean how to act. well, in vain, you lieutenant acted as expected. the place of the incident was put on no one was allowed to go there. captain gordeev is following me how the process is normal the whole game excellent one of these days i’ll throw in some more, come on and what are you doing on the summer rubber come on. that so little so much and sold. it's great, is it a problem? what problems are they asking for a loan? cool, i knew everything went trade. you give me more, i'll throw everything off agreed, well, i said one dose of everything. your share should be suspended sales of what for the sake of and for the sake of what your kazakh sold you some kind of poison, the people will die. hurt to leave not childishly. and most importantly, goes into the ice. you do not understand, cover the shop. so far, the mask