be smart, run, the key to longevity and vivacity, an active lifestyle is also considered by vyacheslav gopanovichd his whole life to sports , in retirement he did not give up training, twice a week swimming, scandinavian exercise machines... you get up in the morning somehow the mood is not very good, i took sticks and there i was near the park i live if you do nordic walking, you immediately feel your mood improve, naturally, your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure decreases. valentina stanislavovna is also a teacher, only not of physical education, but of history , she retired, but did not leave her favorite job, she began to conduct... excursions, somehow, i don’t know all about it, she came to the city back in 1979. what role in preservation of history plays a role in the continuity of generations. the older generation is traditions, this is the basis, this is the basis on which a sense of patriotism is formed, well, the younger generation is innovation; the future of our entire country depends on their growth, on their education, on their active participation. and elena and stepan