it's organized by vytas sachs a local sculptor and graphic artist mosul was liberated in 2017 but youmust still can't go back the situation remains too dangerous. the problems that we always suffer in iraq that there is a government that maybe the represent some of the. people in iraq but there is also a huge number of people this government doesn't like they do that they don't represent those people and those people they want to change the government but they don't have the power to. fight a sax is a member of the international cities of refuge that what founded in 1993 in response to the iranian fat against rightist soundman rushed it off as persecuted also it's a safe haven of. sorts as visual artists musicians they can exert influence but that's why they're often the 1st to be persecuted by the powers that be where the state power is already just fundamentalist forces that's the problem that's why we have this program we take it very seriously. here environment abdel nasser is making new friends and building up new cross cultural networks he's not just here to bide his time until