and usada, wada being the world anti-doping association and usada being the united states. and, you know, rather or than criticize and hold any one individual up, i think that it's important that we share our membership in that organization with not only doing the work that has to be done to prevent athletes from using those substances, but also supporting the science that goes along with developing the tests that will uncover it so, essentially, as our presidentfn says, everybody should play from a level playing field. >> someone observes that you used the term substance use rather than abuse. why is that, and is that the correct observation? >>idn'totice. [laughter] but, you know, i mean, i thin's impornt that you also recognize that we speak out quite often on underage alcohol issues. be you talk to from -- if you talk to presidents of colleges and others, you talk to people whose kids are in college, the alcohol binge drinking, underage use can be quite dangerous and quite concerning. and so looking at these, looking at all of these substances and not trying to silo the