they marched up following waddell at couple of blocks turned right onto seventh street and rampaged on down to the daily record which was at that point leasing a church hall called freelove hall. when i got there they surrounded it and bashed in the door. they shot one man who has remained unidentified in history who apparently ran out the back wounded and then they burned down the newspaper. manley was not the newspaper at that point that they not only shut down the newspaper but they actually burned the entire archive of the black community, all the back records. it's very hard to find even a single copy of the daily record. there are three or four that i know of. there's a famous picture of all these white men standing in front of his burned out daily record officeholding shotguns and winchesters. they kept the black fire brigade from stopping the fire so it would burned to the ground. these guys started to disperse. they go home and mobs and they get to blaine street and there is are some black workingmen who came out to find out what's going on. they had been hearing this commotio