a lot of thoses made their way over to mass transit or started waden. they didn't evenskcity. do know that a lot of these lines are crowded. we were over at 30th stree re as well. what you're looking at hereh to clean all of preparation, but now we have seen the crews working very hard to clean up all thoseirs the lanes parkway. trying to cleese lanes back open as soon as possible and get traffic moving shut we see parts of still shutdown. some will be closeittle while longer.at this point, you see what party on the parkway. these folk hs a very good time. we really haven't heard of any incidents happening as a f that.when you see that video of the that was here going to come out and try to pinpoint how eople showe but. i think it's word and it was a lifetime opportunity. first super bowl championship philadelphiatrying to make their way out. as i look outs sky force 10 downressway trying to make their here.there's goick home. >> s look at t here at vine some company ifehind the whecommute. you should have anticipated that. let's head tssica boyington. what are we seeing? >> i