throughout christianity was worried about fraudulent use of relics and commerce of relics, and of s waels, so there was rims you a lot of struggle sometimes to get important relics to your church, and sometimes they were even stolen, of course. throughout christianity already from the fourth century onwards we have a lively debate within the church on the orthodoxy of relics veneration. so you have periodically this outcry against the abuses and the point of it all. after all, christian religion is o ip spiritual, not praying to something material. i love the arm of st. luke. the gesture of the hands really reflect the personality of the apostles in question, st. luke being the writer of the gospel. the hand is shown holding a pen, and also, of course, you have to remember that st. luke was also an artist. baudime is one of my all time favorite. i think that the way that the saint gazes at you is uncanny and quite unsettling. in the 12th century onwards you see bust and heads that are shaped and made with gleaming material, gold or gilded copper, and decorated with precious stones to port