we also went by a canal cheap and byron island and eventually we got to wager island. nd at dawn, after sleeping the island at dawn the next morning we got into a little zodiac. i'm going to show you a photograph because i look so good in it. i share this photograph, the wishes of my wife, just to show you, how bundled up i was, i had all these layers. a war hat, long johns and yet i was still really cold. and so i suddenly understood why in the journals the castaways kept describing using the term saying were freezing. but now i really understood that they were no doubt suffering from hypothermia from me. they only had scraps of clothing, much of which had disintegrated on the island. and eventually we got to the island and we were able to explore it. the castaways so described how hard it was to walk the island. and sure enough, it really impossible to walk not only because it's so mountainous, but it's in this dense foliage and boggy ground. so it's like pushing through hedges after going about 25 yards, you just exhausted and we explore the area where the encampment