. >> yeah, wahabbi islam. my book deals -- it's not a book on islam per se. wahabbi islam, i agree. i've written in the past which even i have problems with. and you are right, you know, being a sort of just endowed with so much oil must be, they were able to spread that into islam and a number of countries in south asia and the middle east much through the detriment, in my honest opinion, of islam. in egypt, it has a presence. how much of a presence, i wonder population, how much of a hold, i guess we'll know in the months and years to come in the democratic elections and come to know, the population will. fatah is basically just an edict. islam being interestingly democratic in that sense, any order of, you know, man can issue an fatah, which is an edict on anything. it can be on any social or political sort of ration spect and doesn't necessarily have to deal with the violence or whatever. it can be anything too. i know that with the notion of fatah. >> i think every western religion seems to have problems between the progressives, maybe, and the orthodox. >> yes. >> and in islam