wakeman, for joining us.f all, let's talk about how the medical community defines alcohol use disorder and what have the trend lines been ? has the problem gotten more prevalent since the pandemic began? dr. wakeman: the definition of alcohol use disorder is compulsively using alcohol despite problems. and so those can be problems in your life, like in your relationships or your ability to work or carry out your functions or in your health. so continuing to use alcohol despite known health, either mental or physical health problems that are exacerbated by use. so like many health conditions and many areas of substance use disorder, we've seen worsening trends since the onset of the pandemic. and this is true both for heavy drinking and also alcohol use disorder and health conditions related to alcohol use. one of the most scary trends we've seen actually, soon after the pandemic hit, we saw an increase in alcohol related mortality, which is largely driven by liver disease or liver failure from heavy alcohol u