and the waldorf historia for politicians in congress, they have a hotline into the insurance companies. and also special help on capitol hill, sort of like how they had the irs agent on capitol hill helping them out with the tax returns for the tax laws they wrote. it goes on. and the irony here is, the tradeoffs that are going on for this pork barrel that's a whale of a bill. the whole bill is built on a tradeoff meaning the upper income people have to help out the lower income. weet it, we want to help the uninsured, but is this really the way to go? >>sabrina, president obam delayed this until the end of 2014, but i'm wondering how much more delaying can he do before he admits that the whole thing isn't working? >> right. he's certainly losing political capital, but what i think that's good coming outof this mess is that people are seeing the result of progressive government that deems itself god, choosing who shall flourish and who shall fail. what michael kale said we have turned into a country with the ruling class versus the rest of us. and obama care isor the commoners, but the