and waldseemuller and his colleagues thought it was the fourth part of the world. sense the title of the book. the -- because they made the decision, that it seemed to represent the fourth part of the world it needed a name, like the other continents had names and came up with the name america. and there is a lot more to it and wool get into more of it later but as i looked at the map i learned quickly it also is significant for a lot of other reasons, not just the naming of america. if you look on the left, that is the new world, south america and north america above is is the first map to show north america and south merriman unambiguously surrounded by water, not as an undefined place not identified at all. because, it shows north and south america surrounded by water it is the first map to suggest the existence of the pacific ocean and this is something of a mystery because europeans aren't supposed to have known about the pacific ocean until 1513 when balboa caught sight of it from the mountain. and it is not something i dwell on on the book because i felt the