. >> good evening, i am a senior at walenburg high school. i am from san francisco and grew up in a baby district where i have seen various things that my nation faces. the shipyard and the children at risk for asthma and the lack of produce accessible. i have experienced first hand the inconvenience and the absence of a local healthcare provider. after experiencing these experiences i have decided to become a pediatrician and educate on the importance of health. i was asked in participating in a program this summer and that in some way would enhance my experience in the medical field. thus i was elated to be nominated for this program by my physiology teacher. she told me that only three people out of her 50 students would be nominated and motivated me from the start because she had faith in me that i out of 50 students had the potential to be accepted to this program. i put my best foot forward and was accepted to the program. >> during this internment i worked in a lab that focused on auto immune disease, it is a disease in which a individ