they said, well, women can go to walgreens for preventive care like pap here? slike -- pap smears. so walgreens immediately put out a statement saying, no, gosh, women, don't come -- [laughter] but, of course, that evening stephen colbert goes on, he just can't let it go, and he goes on that night to say, yes, women, go to walgreens, you can get your pap smear, just look for the stirrups in between the kitty litter and the swiffer refills. that was a moment that provided us an opportunity to educate people about all the array of services that we do. so we have to do, we just have to do more of that. in this last year, we've had thousands of patients tell their stories on tumbler, on facebook, in congress. one woman, carolyn smithers from florida, was a patient of ours in her 20s. that's where she got her early detection of cervical cancer and was treated. her two daughters in their 20s now are planned parenthood patients. she went to congress, i think, three times and made a television ad. so really trying to put a face on who planned parenthood is. um, actually,