some of this has been done in the past, walker evans took pictures out of a moving vehicle. in fact, strangely, right upstairs in the library before this talk i was looking through my side and i have on there a gallery from evans that is called drive by pictures and it is about 30 images of him flying down the road in mississippi and georgia and taking pictures of shot gun shacks and so forth from this moving car that was zipping along. and so there are other photographers that have explored the drive by. and in this case it was like i was hijacking this virtual world and also emerging myself in it. and i came to know these towns and these places almost in a way as if i ex-flowered it. it is really change, really a strange thing. and i know this super well, and i have never been there. >> i know every street in my mind i see the layout of the neighborhoods. you know the main streets and the turn offs? strange thing, i was thinking who would have thought that three decades ago that someone would be presenting a pick of america that was taken by machines and then hijacked and