seeing faulkner, tennesseehard wright, williams, and the lesser likes, stark young, walker percy. i remember looking at the map and saying to myself, one day. one day, i am going to get on that map. toould like to thank the ali help me get there, for sure. and i would like to thank some who are not here anymore, the press editor, sheldon mayer, who bought the book, the booth book from me on eight telephone call and a letter. i did not send him an outline or a copy. he said, you will deliver this thing, won't you? editor, i send my trust and gratitude. and to my wonderful associate, michael burlingame, and is great lincoln book. book,mber, a 19th-century if there was ever a new dark age, the barbarians would stop and stand in terror at this particular book. i think your book will be a fortress. a great book, an interesting joan, the great miller. me, and ibefore appreciate their encouragement. and i think them for it. answer a-out, i will question that i got last summer from someone after a gave a speech. and that person said, i know john wilkes booth did a terrible, unforgivable t