nearly a century and a half but inspired poets and painters and photographers to georgia o'keefe to walker percy. but who was this man and why do i care about him so much? i want to show you and i want you to care. so i need you to know what an unprecedented feat the brooklyn bridge was. a bridge with the spam that would not be passed for 50 years not until the building of the george washington bridge using a dangerous new technology one that washington pioneered at great cost to himself. the famous engineer who had bridge to be niagara falls and river in cincinnati and at that time many people fought to bridge the east river was impossible but if anyone should be the man to accomplish the feat, john roebling was batman and then one day in the summer of 1869 before any work had been started before very many plans have been made, he had what seemed to be a minor accident just over there. before two weeks have passed, he was dead. a horrible death from toughness and it was left to his son to take over the work. washington has built bridges for the army during the war and had supervised the work on