precedent for child sex crimes since found guilty withouu physically assaulting the young student..3 walkerrworkedods elementarr school. in the letters he proclaimed to have loved the 3rd grade girl. >> there is this constant referenne tt hugging and issing and wanting to be with you. and dreaming fantasizing that they are on a trip to las vegas, and thaa he issasleep in his arms. >>>i mean it was just overwhelling i thought. >> walker will be sentenced inú january. -> and here is our question of thh day. should sooeone e found guilty of sex abuse, even though there was no physical ontact? so far, 97 percent ay yes. 3 percent say o. pat writes on facebook. love nntes, coold have been the start of something more harmful. to the 8-year-ood girl, or someone else. it is sad that people don't have boundaries for themselves any more. >> the panel that acredits u.s. hospitals wants to review %-hopkins hospital. at johns after those shootingssttere last week. the joint ccmmission is an independent panel that examines what happens to hospitals and %-quality of health care.nd this, after pardus shot david c