. >> that's the walla walla bing bang river. >> nick goes shooting down, that looks like a ton of fun. of us would get to that, a theme park water slide, right? but nick looks like he had an incredible year, some really cool close calls. and some of these were skipping past these giant boulders to some of these other competitions where he's in a very short play boat bouncing around in the waves doing flips and rolls. this guy looks like he has incredible -- this kayak is part of his body. >> living the dream, man, living the dream. >> the gorgeous river he's going down, unreal portages where they have to haul the kayak over the waterfalls they want to run. i love that shot, just jumps right in. >> that's incredible. the fact they choose to go into the raging waters. they are upside down but learn how to right themselves back up. it's just fantastic. >> it's a consolation video. you'll say i'll see your video and raise you three of this one. >> put together, nick, this is his ticket to ride around the >> i want to try this but in the bathtub. >>> i would just like a large piece of pie.