edwards: the company was founded in 1893 by two gentlemen--wallace hardison and nathan weston blanchard. he and wallace hardison created the united states' first large-scale citrus operation to bring more reliable supplies of fresh citrus to the east coast markets where most americans lived at that time. as the citrus was being distributed, a lot of the end panels on the citrus cartons were used as ways to promote the lifestyle--the great weather, the great living that exists here in california. so you can imagine what is was like in some february in new york city when it's -5 degrees and you're looking at 80-degree temperatures next to the beach in california. it really began the migration of people from the east to the west coast. moses: the engine behind it all was the kind of new corporate, professional, managerial industry that took hold in agriculture through the citrus growers. it might have been masquerading under the guise of the jeffersonian ideal, you know, the yeoman farmer. but these were managerial corporate thinkers, and they saw things in systematic terms of transportati