liebling, wallace stegner, bud schulberg and john steinbeck. luce insisted it should elevate the worlds of sports from being just a game to being a metaphor for the human condition. the timing publications were extraordinarily expensive to publish and distribute. luce resisted economizing and believed spending more money to create better quality was the best strategy for success. they moved ahead in what they knew was a dangerously expensive gamble on the magazines, acting one of them said in an atmosphere of complete and serene confidence to grasp the chance of a lifetime. from the mid '30s to the late '50s, time incorporated was one of the largest news organizations in the world with bureaus on every continent and reporters active in most nations. the company claimed to reach over 20 million people every week, and many more during world war ii which the time, inc., magazine reported at least as intensity as any other organization. time, inc.'s great success was partly a result of shrewd management and lavish but careful budgeting, but also a