with us this morning, and the after the show, show, and tomorrow chris wallace is joining us for a preview of fox news sunday and steven krauter. and how you can tern old earnings into cash? are we going to melt them down. >> sell some gold, baby. >> bring a smelter. >> eric: watch the 5 next week. >> the 5 p.m. or the show? thank for joining us. >> see you tomorrow. >> brenda: just as the unemployment rate is dropping, is capitol hill signaling tax heights are coming? add up the signs. a key conservative leaving the senate for the private sector as republicans reportedly cook up a doomsday plan that would give the president the tax hikes he wants. so if taxes go up, will jobs go down? hi, everyone, i'm brenda buttner, this is bulls and bears, let's get right to it. here they are, the bulls and bears this week. we've got gary b smith, tobin smith. and julian epstein, welcome to everybody. todd, if taxes go up, get ready for that unemployment rate to shoots up, too. >> you've got that right. brenda, not only going to go higher, we're looking at hundreds of thousands of jobs eliminated because of higher taxes. you can't,