she stars along with mark wall berg berg -- wallburg. did we get her? >>> remember the name isabella. she is not even 16 years old. we are thrilled to have her here with us this morning. isab isabella, this will be a big block buster movie. tell us about the film and your character. >> i guess i wasn't really prepared for all of this. i didn't expect it to be this big. does that sound weird? i don't know. all of this work that goes into it -- >> yeah, all of a sudden, boom, it's huge. >> i walked on the set and i got that rush of kind of like wow, this is a big deal. i had all of my outfits lined up. we were trying to find a look. you know, my mom was there to help me and coach me through it. she was like you're going to be fine. >> you're a teenager and most teenagers are getting ready graduate from high school or just graduated and trying to figure out what they are doing for their summer job. here you are on a promotional tour. you were telling me you'll be here and then traveling overseas. you'll spend your birthday in brazil? >> yes. july 10th over