partners, and then one at wallenberg high school, which was led by the student advisory council. these meetings had 23 and 41 participants. they were over -- they were over 100 participants are participated in giving us feedback. additionally, we invited community groups to hold their own meetings and to do that, we provided them with the resources to conduct their own meetings. what we did is we created a facilitator's guide which was a step-by-step guide on how you can conduct a feedback session, which modelled exactly how we facilitated the district to lead meetings. we provided complete copies of the m.o.u., we printed large poster -sized versions of the sections of the m.o.u. that are most discussed, and during the meetings on we had those, we placed those posters on tables, people went to the tables, they were provided with feedback sheets, post it's, and had small-group discussions over specific sections of the m.o.u. we provided all those materials to our c.b.o. partners so that alliance for girls, coleman advocates, youth commission, they held their own meetings and then