we are a few feet from wallgreens. if they get beer, liquor and wine, it's going to put our store in jeopardy. it could put us out of business, but for sure it's going to cost employees. we have nine employees, we'll end up going to about nine. the other thing is there is a wall green's, not only that, within a one 1/2 block area, there are four all sale stores, they sell liquor beer and wine. there are plenty of people to take care of that. there is another wallgreens about eight 8 blocks away on the other end of the street, if they get it too, the whole area is going to be saturated with walgreen's. you are not going to have the family little store anymore. you are just going to have the big store. they say they don't take up much area. 15 percent of those stores is like the size of our store. and the other thing they have is a tremendous advantage of buying power. they have thousands of stores. like they are a hundred thousand and we are 1,000. even though they are going to take a small space. within that small spac