this one, again, this beautiful silk, the wallis simpson connection i think again £200.a special sale, possibly slightly more. and this one, although not the beautiful silk but very much rayon, the 1940s style is very in at the moment. young people really love the 1940s. and i could see somebody paying at least £200 for this. so you have a lovely collection here. yes. thank you. and with all the photographs, too. marvelous. thank you very much. the english excelled in the manufacture of dueling pistols and after about 1770 when gentlemen stopped wearing swords they then didn't have the means to settle their differences. this is a long time before they got lawyers involved. it would be settled expensively, but less bloodily. and so they went to pistols. and then you start to see, from about the sort of 1770s onwards, this development of these very, very high quality flint lock pistols that are completely identical as a pair. and they have one purpose, and one purpose only. i always call that judicially sanctioned murder 'cause that what it is. it's amazing but in a countr