walpole baganda on steroids, but that's some times past these days, whatever ukraine says, you just reprint with an addendum, we can't check, verify, or confirm. any of ukraine's claims somewhere near the end. like the time that you can claim that russian troops booby trapped children's beds all like the claims that a ukrainian grandma down the russian drone with a jar of pickles will tomatoes, which made it to the front pages of once reputable media outlets. the thing is with propaganda, as on the hinged and unquestioned as these while it card last. eventually people get tired of being treated like idiots and journalists to look, i respect those who take ukraine side in this war. they have a valid point of view which i happened not to share, but what i object to is the holy one sided nature of public opinion. here it is so bad that it is a positive disadvantage to know anything about the subject. unlike russia much as required to check into proven to verify, thrice and using that, it says the brilliance of ukraine's propaganda machine is that it is shameless. it knows that whatever it says