adam's stepbrothers. i worked with him, you know, and we did walter mitty together. >> brilliant. >> funny. >> parks and reclot of movies where he did serious work. and i know that he has that in him. he's always had that in him. >> and this part to me was taking something that you've seen him in, in a familiar way that you might not expect to go deeper with. and i and i knew he had that. it was a no brainer. >> and in the final scene in season one, your face, i gasp, he's alive! >> oh! oh! >> and then i think i screamed, sorry about that. no that's okay. i mean, it's incredible. were you surprised that it hit the way it did because it's so quirky? >> i mean, very pleasantly surprised because, you know, you always work on stuff. >> i mean, we've been doing this for a long time, and you never know how people are going to respond. you put the same amount of work into everything. >> yeah. >> but i was at the end of making the last episode of the first season. i had this moment of like, oh my god, wait a minute, we've been doing this. nobody's seen it. >> we think it's good, but like, we've been doing this for