lyudmila bauman, the mother of walter bauman, who is accused of the brutal murder of his wife, accordingo investigators, he strangled the woman, dismembered her body and drowned her at the bottom of the river in a suitcase, was summoned to the court of the city of bremen as a witness. at the same time, that immediately seemed suspicious appeared, accompanied by a lawyer by a witness, a defense lawyer is usually not needed, before she was asked questions she asked for a few minutes to make a statement according to the reaction of the participants in the process it was clear about the intentions of the elderly woman to take the blame for the murder of the daughter-in-law did not suspect no one, neither his son, his face, by the way, local channels are deliberately closed not by the prosecutor, nor by lawyers on both sides, said dmitry kurpel, a representative of the relatives of the deceased ekaterina, who got in touch with us temporarily. this was as i understood and not agreed with the viper's lawyers. yes, that is, they, as it were, were also, to put it mildly, a little surprised by the