also may 7, the first of two sessions from walter del fin, he is going to be answering questions about assistive technology, how it can increase your quality of life, he's going to have assistive technology to demonstrate and people to interact with. he'll talk about the library and other services available. so that will be monday, may 7 at the main -- at the independent living resource center and tuesday may 8 at the main library in the 5th floor computer training center. also, tuesday may 8, lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired is doing an open house, 11-3. finding the right piece of access technology can be a daunting undertaking but knowing what options meet your need is the first step, so it's a chance to experience the latest in technology. vendors will be on hand. and a lighthouse technology specialist will be on hand to answer questions and give tips for finding the right technology to meet your needs. that's tuesday, may 8, 11-3. also on tuesday may 8, again in the main library, microsoft accessibility features. there are a lot of features built into microsoft 365. m