this movement crystallized around the mid 1990s, in 1994, two brothers james ronald and walter donald kennedy published a book. they championed the so called lost cause of the confederacy. around the same time their book was released the league of the south was founded in tuscaloosa, alabama. the organization was founded and led by dr. michael hill. former college professor. there is organizations that compose the movement. some organizations are divided on particular issues. especially when it deals with race. one is racialist and prefers a southern nation that is anglo celtic in character. a few years ago, gregory k published four novels in his third revolution series. tells the story of a guerrilla movement in the south, and establishes a new independent southern nation recent controversies have had a polarizing effect in the south between it's white defenders who view the flag as part of their regional identity and african-americans who view the flag as a blatant insult, past servitude they see this as a symbol of past servitude. on the other side of the country, harold covington has advo