. - hey, walter findlay, you old son of a gun! - oh, oh no, he's here, now that's walter, walter's here, walter's here, walter's-- - vivian, vivian, there's no need to panic. i'll simply just get lost in the crowd, he probably won't even notice me. hing. the man who's coming in is walter. - norman! - [norman] walter, how are you? norman. - [norman] nice to see you. - norman, this is kathy rivers. this is norman johnson. - [kathy] hi. how are you? - [norman] nice to meet you. - what a crazy rumpus room, it looks like the ladies lounge at trader vic's. (laughter) - isn't she sensational?! - what do you think of him, bob? - [bob] oh, he's all right. i think he brought his daughter. - [bob] does he have a niece? - yes. - i think he brought his niece. - she better be three years old. (laughter) (applause) - oh, good evening mister findlay. - [walter] misses naugatuck. - i'll pass, you walter? - i don't drink kathy, i have a problem. i'm a reformed alcoholic. - that's cool, i dig men who've gone through torment. (laughter) - isn't that n