when the washington policymakers and economists led by academic neo-keynesians paul samuelson and walter heller, suggested that a little inflation induced by managed currency -- say 2 or 3% -- was controllable and desirable. at the end of the 1970s, inflation had reached the annualized rate of 15%. now, since the u.s. dollar was the primary reserve currency under the bretton woods treaty, foreign central banks were, in effect, required to purchase the undesired dollars in their banking systems against the creation of their own domestic money. foreign central banks held these dollars as official reserves. they didn't bury them in vault as. they promptly reinvested these dollars in the new york money market, thus enabling americans to buy again with the original cash balances used before to buy the goods abroad. in a word, this duplication of purchasing power under the reserve current is si system of bretton woods, unassociated with the production of few output, caused aggregate demand to exceed aggregate supply. inflation must be the ultimate result. this, in a word, is what my colleague john mu