brigade abilities, and that is what the special gifts they had brought to the world, so here is walter isaacson to talk about his book. [applause] >> thank you. >> henry lewis, was said to indulge in personality journalism. he said time magazine did not invent personality journalism. the bible did. that's how we tell stories and convey the moral lesson of our times. so as bash a bra said, i have always tried to be interested in creative people. in this town you know a whole lot of smart people -- i'm not sure this is working. >> it is. >> a whole lot of smart people, and you kind of realize after a while that smart people are a dime a dozen, and they don't often amount to much. what does matter is creative people, can think out of the box, come up with something new, and so in this book, i tried to look at very smart people and figure out how they had to have a moral center, how they had to think differently, how they had to be creative. for example, in 1905, all the smartest physicists in europe were trying to figure out why the speed of light seemed constant. sorry. there were a lot of people