so the first be piece of advice walter isakson gave me after i wrote liars poker was now you need to write a book about a great man, and i thoughting, no. [laughter] that's not what i'm going to do. that's to what you do. >> yes. >> and i just never felt it. it never felt the slightest inclination to do it. the idea bores me. so that's not a good start for a literary project, to be bored by the idea. >> there's obviously a lot of serendipity, as you said earlier, but you can't be purely passive. you must go out and look for interesting stories. you don't -- >> yeah. >> -- sit at home and they come like manna from heaven. how do you go about looking for stories, and what is it when you see a story triggers something in your mind that says i need to find out more about this, hkd this could be an interesting story? >> it usually is really easy, how did i miss that? how did i not think about what was going on in the minds of these people who are making this systematic misjudgments? it's an obvious question, and i didn't ask it, so this was an oversight on my part. but, i mean, i'll just