we were all familiar with the walter jenkins right there. walter jenkins, who was lbj his senior aide, who was a who was arrested at the ymca for having sex just a couple of weeks before the 1964 election. that was a front page story across the country. this was another gay scandal that did not become public. but lbj was really worried about it. he was actually he was he was concerned that this story also going to come out, so to speak, around the same time. and then he wouldn't be with just one gay scandal. there would have been two gays in his white house. and that that was terrifying to him. and there are conversations between and and jagger hoover where basically telling hoover, you know, you got to keep this secret, this this can't come out. so it's a really dramatic story and probably my favorite in the book. so i've a question kind of for both of you, which i think is an interesting intersection of your two books. i don't i don't think it's just a kind of linguistic overlap. but kathryn, you use the phrase -- in your book a number of