walter liew is very smart, very savvy. he knew exactly what the weaknesses of these guys were. it was money or whether it was flattery. he enlisted them to provide him key blueprints key documents, , key photographs, key pieces of information that helped him win $30 million in contracts with chinese firms to produce the color white and design plants that would produce this color. one plant did get built. the other i don't believe has been built yet, before they caught him in 2011. we learned a lot about his case from 2014 trial in san francisco. david: we hear an awful lot about the chinese stealing national security secrets. we don't often hear about it on the commercial side, but that's what this exemplifies. it seems guys like this guy do not get caught. do not get reported, even. del: a lot of companies find out they have been hacked or that someone stole something from them, and they don't report it. they deal with it internally. why? it is embarrassing. it hurts the bottom line. you don't want to be labeled as having poor information security. they don't want to report to