and i didn't even know where the pain was coming from. - i came to meet walter littlemoon and his wifeane through my work here at the victims of violence program in cambridge, somerville, massachusetts. when walter and jane walked into this building, central street health center, it was very clear that he was in a lot of pain. - this is a picture of my mother. this is the way she looked, as i remembered her, growing up. i don't remember exactly when this was taken, but this is probably one of the last pictures that we have of her, 'cause when my sister took all of these pictures, then her house caught on fire, and just about all of these pictures burned down. so this was her family, and these are all the older brothers. and this is moses. that's ben george. and this is me here. but this one is the last picture that we were able to salvage. this picture is about my mother and my father. i never knew my father. but this was taken somewhere in brussels when they were there with the wild west show. the thunder beings came and took my father home when i was six months old. [thunder rumbling