and in that, walter matthau is the coach, and he's talking with one of his baseball players who's african-american and he's giving him some pointers, and the player interrupts him and says, coach, don't give me any of your honky bs. and the coach says, you know, maude, we have enough problems without dragging race into it. and i think that that's true also of a lot of the political discussion in this country. there are enough, there's enough separating left and right without having race needlessly uy the approach that i take to racial preferences is a very straightforward one, and i think it's reflected in the, in the summary of professor cashin's book on the back of it. and it's]simply to consider the costs of racial preferences and weigh those against the purported benefits. and i think that the purports benefits are -- purported benefits are extremely dubious, and the costs are enormous. it's interesting that professor cashin's book really focuses only on the purported benefit of helping disadvantaged individuals. it's the remedial justification for racial preferences. very little in the book a