jamie foxx plays walter mcmillen.sponsibility to take on this role. >> jimmy: it really spoke to you when you heard his story and heard about it. >> i felt like, listen, this thing happened 30-some-odd years ago, but it feels like it could have happened yesterday. >> jimmy: have you ever played a living person before? >> a living person before? no. >> jimmy: so that's like, you must be nervous when you show them the movie, him the movie the first time. >> yeah, i played oscar grant, fruitvale station. >> jimmy: yeah. >> he was tragically murdered. but i got a chance to know him through the people who knew him the best. i got a chance to watch the movie with his mom and family members. this situation, being able to play brian, he's there, he's a resource. i can call him. i can ask him for help if i get stuck anywhere. if i need to look to him for, for motivation for things. but then also he can call me and tell me what i'm messin' up, too. >> jimmy: did he do that? >> no, he was actually really excited that i played it