daughter, who was on that slide, grace is a school teacher at home and teaches first grade at walter p. carter elementary. and her sister tara also comes out, to iowa as frequently as she can, but she works also. has a job at the un foundation at home. so 4 great kids. my wife's a district court judge. so you've seen her maybe sometime at the debates. >>amanda: mmhmm. >>mr. o'malley: she's not allowed to campaign >>amanda: ah. >>mr. o'malley: being a judge, but she has been able to come to the debates and i would not be able to do this without her being such a rock and, and just so solid with the kids and our family throughout our, our 25 years together. >>sabrina: now william spends like every weekend here, doesn't he? >>mr. o'malley: yeah, you'd think, wouldn't ? (chuckling) >>mr. o'malley: he's, he's developing quite the twitter following, too. (chuckling) >>sabrina: yeah, he is. >>mr. o'malley: he's, yeah, william's, we enjoy iowa. and sometimes when, when you're not in iowa it's hard to believe a real campaign's even taking place. but here in iowa we're about, you know, 30 days away from