. >> former san francisco zoning commissioner walter passmore once said there are no 100% in the tree business. if you get ten arborists, you will get 12 different opinions. here, we have at opinions from at least four arborists and three contractors whose opinions are consistent and project excavation, from shrinking rear yard, this will damage tree's roots. [inaudible] >> -- and where these commentaries are not conducive in breaking resolution about project excavation damages to tree roots, but rather, this case is about the agency's regard for the public safety and welfare, the rightful role in the review and decision-making process that are guaranteed by state law, the general plan, and the planning codes. there by, these laws require the planning department to engage as partnered with the public in evaluating shared expertise, disclosing agency's analysis, checking for accuracy, detecting omissions, discovering public concerns, and soliciting counter proposals. in this case as outlined in d.r., project is lacking and is not in compliance with governing laws where project will hav