for 40 years, united auto worker presidents walter reuther, leonard woodcock and douglas fraser won higher for their members. why in 1979 would fraser agree to take less? employers and labor unions like buyers and sellers, try to make the best deal for themselves. labor and management: how do they come to terms? with economic analyst richard gill we'll examine that question on this edition of economics usa. i'm david schoumacher. fewer than 1/3 of american workers are covered by union contract. but organized labor's strength at the economy's pressure points-- the big smokestack industries, the arteries of transportation and communication-- make them a force to be reckoned with. for more than 75 years labor unions have been a fact of american economic l how did they get pow? we are childn ofmmigrants. the largest number came here around the turn of the century. millions, most of them jewish or italian, unskilled and uneducated settled in new york city's crowded tenements. what kind of work did america offer? fannie susskind remembers. we came with the needle in our hand. i've worked since a