was a walter reuther -- was a the committee member that met with president kennedy. >> i believe whatay is laid the groundwork for the building of a functioning, broad system of americans of all walks of life and points of view, from all races and creeds, and colors, can carry on, not only the common struggles to achieve an effective and meaningful civil rights legislation, but do the day-to-day job of fighting discrimination in education, housing, employment, and in public accommodations. this is a true -- >> i am on a to present the leader of our nation, one less conducted a moral campaign in the southern area of the nation. dr. martin luther king, jr. >> thank you mr. randolph. i would simply like to say that i think that this has been one of the great days of america. and i take this march will go down as one of the greatest cup if not the greatest demonstration for freedom and human dignity ever held in the united states. >> the slumbering conscience of america stood aroused, tall and awakened, as twilight settled over the march in washington on august 28. it admitted a lingering