themselves ranked ford as the american leader most helpful to labor, above franklin roosevelt, above walter ruther. ford's roll as approvity of consumer culture explained part of this appeal. his pronouncement about the automobile, enjoyment of abundance caught popular imagination in an age ready to abandon restraints of former tradition. he believed the automobile did not just provide a faster and easier mode of communication, it enhanced the quality of life for common people. his words, i will build a motor car for the great multitude, he said of the model t, so low in price that no man making a good salary will be able to unknown one and enjoy with his family the blessings of hours of pleasure in god's great open spaces. the enjoyment and pleasure of the multitude. that was the key component, i think, of ford's consumer vision. this inspires, for example, the five-dollar day. the move that doubleled the existing wage for auto workers in one swoop. he did this not so much as we regard -- reward, but triggering further consumption. as he put it, i want to make sure the men who make the model t ca