remember, the puzzle is this, this problem that walter sand armstrong gave us that it feels like we're obligated to withdraw from these bad practices. but when you withdraw, you're not actually making a difference. if you're not making a difference, why do we think you're obligated. and then you add to that to the fact that now i've told you, this puzzle is everywhere air, which means there's so many things that you would have to do to be a decent person if you required to withdraw from all these bad practices. so here's my diagnosis, it's not a treatment plan yet, but my diagnosis for problem, i think we're obsessed with duty, obligation. and so this is a little bit nerdy because i'm a philosopher sorry you were warned, right. so we say things all the time and. i was keyed into this because i read the philosophy or is working on this and they're all like walter stuart armstrong. they're all like, do you have a duty not to joy gosal and then they can't prove it because it doesn't cause any harm. it doesn't have any meaningful. but then i started talking to non philosophers too, like no