we want it on serious bodily injury and on death, because we believe that you look at the walter scott swaidtuation, and the breonna taylor situation, all those things that happened, those tragedies, atrocities, there's not any information. you look at the incident report on breonna taylor it's basically blank, and no injuries. so we've actually enhanced the penalties for false police reports in my legislation. we actually say not only do we want the data, that we then want to direct officers in training through our grants so as to get to the choke hold. if you allow choke holds in your department, you become ineligible for those resources. and that's a good thing. from my perspective, if we're going to have substantial, systemic change that moves us in the right direction, the one thing the federal government has is the power of the purse. we don't have the ability to control the local resources. but we can control the federal grants that come into departments. and in my opinion, i would rather pay for good outcomes, and if i do that, we've done it right, in my opinion. >> trevor: you are i